About Large Potatoes

We’re a creative collective that works with business owners who are ready to put their copy projects in the hands of experts who give a shit. 


You’ve been banging your head against the digital wall of your website copy for months and something about how your brand speaks to your customers just isn’t working, no matter how you slice, dice, mash or roast it. 

And it’s not just that you have a bad feeling, you have data to back it up. You’ve got users bouncing off your homepage before they have time to read a headline and people coming up to you at mixers like “Ok, can you tell me what you guys do again? Explain it to me like I’m five.”

You need help. And your cousin’s son who’s taking a gap year and knows, like, a lot about Instagram is not going to solve this problem. 

You guessed it (so predictable!) that’s where we come in. 

We take all the data you’ve got and all the copy chops we have, throw ‘em together in the deep fryer, and come back at you with fresh ‘n crispy site copy, brand voice documentation, and marketing strategy that will have your ideal customers bursting through your online door like a dog that just heard a potato chip hit the floor.  

Speed isn’t the best measurement for stuff that’s this important, but it’s safe to say we’re efficient because we’ve got a very low tolerance for spinning our wheels on the tiny details that don't really impact the overall message. 

And we’ll never send you a calendar invite without your permission because useless meetings are a scourge on the earth. 

We do this because we give a shit about our clients and your results. We want to do exceptional work for people who will appreciate it. 

And like, isn’t that what we all want?


About Gillian

I’m a conversion copywriter who started my own business because I’m a control freak who thinks she’s smarter than everyone else. I think most entrepreneurs have a similar streak but don’t say it out loud. 

Of course, there’s nothing quite like business ownership to show you just how little control you actually have and how much you have left to learn. It’s a bit of a Catch-22 (at least, I think so...no time to finish that book, too busy with client work). 

The way I came to copywriting isn’t that different from how my writing process goes: 

First I tried something (Hollywood) and it was terrible. Then I tried another thing (non-profit work) and it was terrible in a completely different way. Then I tried a third thing (social media marketing) and it was a lot better. 

It was in that last phase of my employed-by-others career that I started to see what a huge impact great copywriting could have on how a company was perceived and how a website performed.

I was good at writing Tweets and blog posts but I wanted my work to have a bigger impact.  When I learned about conversion copywriting -- writing that wasn’t based on unpredictable strokes of genius or Don Draper-style misogyny-fueled late nights but by actual data and research (two things I’ve always loved) -- I was hooked. 

And now I’m here. 

I can say with as much confidence as a writer is allowed to have that being a copywriter and agency owner is a lot of things I never expected, but it’s never terrible.